Linggo, Pebrero 26, 2023

THIS Type Of Woman Attracts Emasculated Men - Feminine Archetypes

Grab my guide: The 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Relationships This video explores the powerful and complex mother archetype and its impact on romantic relationships. While this archetype can be alluring to men, its nurturing and caring qualities can also repel them when it becomes overbearing and suffocating. We delve into the different aspects of the mother archetype, from the positive to the negative, and how they can manifest in relationships. You'll gain insights into the challenges of balancing this archetype with the desire for romance and passion, as well as tips for navigating this dynamic and creating a healthier relationship.

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Sabado, Pebrero 25, 2023

The Dangerous Game of the Damsel in Distress In Love & Relationship

Grab the 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Relationships In this video, we dive deep into the archetype of the damsel in distress and its impact on dating and relationships. While this role can evoke a man's hero instinct to save a woman, it often has her stuck in a victim mindset and prevents the guy from receiving support himself. We explore the dangers of this cycle, how it can be toxic for both partners, and why it's crucial to break free from this pattern. You'll learn practical tips for escaping the damsel in distress role, building healthy relationships, and finding empowerment and self-love.

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Martes, Pebrero 21, 2023

THIS Type Of Woman Is Emotionally Unavailable: "The Princess" Archetype

Grab The 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Love:

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2023

Do You "Shapeshift" In Your Relationships With Men?

Grab my guide - The 5 Secrets To Creating An Extraordinary Relationship -

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Biyernes, Pebrero 17, 2023

Transform Your Relationships: Unlock the Power of These 3 Essential Tools

Grab my free guide: The 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Relationships - Are you interested in professional one-on-one support in your love life? Contact me here: What you are focusing on makes the difference between moving toward what you want with ease and flow vs. staying stuck. Your focus can be shifted and mastered - making stuckness a blip on your timeline. Here are the 3 tools I help my clients master to move through stuckness and become empowered creators in their lives, relationships, and work. 1. Speak LESS about the problem and MORE about what you want. Sometimes we need to talk about what's bothering us. However, it becomes a problem when all we find ourselves talking about is what's not working and why. It's not uncommon for a client I work with to be so consumed by a problem that they don't even know what they want. When I ask them what they want, they often answer the question by discussing what they don't want. A simple step to mastery is to devote just half of your energy to speaking about and exploring what you want, so things can begin to shift. 2. Visualize what you want in excruciating detail. What's holding someone back is their nervous system doesn't feel safe with the unfamiliarity of achieving their dreams. Your nervous system takes care of all autonomic functions: the emotions we feel, our heart rate, temperature, and breath. Whenever we start to create a new reality for ourselves, whether that is a new healthy dynamic with a person we're interested in or, say, we step into a new level of leadership with the work we are doing; it requires our nervous system to upgrade to hold this new pattern. Give your nervous system the practice of experiencing the fulfillment of what you want. You have to visualize what you want and imagine what it will feel like already have that thing. Notice what sensations are present and what kind of commentary is in your mind. The more you can allow your nervous system to acclimate to this new expanded level, the more it will be able to hold what you want in real life rather than contract back to what is familiar. 3. Welcome the challenges and problems that will come with getting what you want. The grass may be greener on the other side but will still require de-weeding. One of the ways our unconscious mind keeps us stuck is that we haven't made peace yet with the unexpected problems that will inevitably come when we get what we want. Do you want a relationship with a healthy, devoted partner? Get ready to get called forth in ways that are truly uncomfortable. Get ready to face the fear of being rejected by someone that matters or face that niggling thought of unworthiness in the back of your mind. Wanting to scale the work you do and have more impact? Prepare for the increased responsibility, perhaps even deeper, to feel like an imposter as you grow into new shoes. When you can anticipate these hidden challenges and consciously say "yes" to facing them with intention, you clear the obstacles from your unconscious mind and commit to the growth ahead. Your commitment to creating in your life can lead you to all of the fulfillment you seek. Please use these tools on your path, knowing that stuckness always moves and the only inevitable future is the one you are designing. Appreciating you, Clayton P.S. If you'd like to explore a coaching partnership where you've got me in your corner helping you remove the obstacles standing in your way to the relationship or life of your dreams, apply here:

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Sabado, Pebrero 11, 2023

Instantly Evolve Your Relationship By Understanding THIS Hidden Dynamic

Grab this free guide: The 5 Secrets To Creating An Extraordinary Relationship Looking for one-on-one relationship coaching? Click here: The Drama Triangle is a concept developed by psychiatrist Stephen Karpman, which describes the dynamics of power and control in human relationships. It is a model that helps explain why so many relationships fall into a pattern of negativity, conflict, and drama and how to break free from this cycle. The Drama Triangle comprises three roles: the Victim, the Persecutor, and the Rescuer. The Victim is the person who feels helpless and powerless, often blaming others for their problems. They believe they are being treated unfairly and the world is against them. This creates a sense of entitlement, where they expect others to care for their problems and solve them. The Persecutor is the person who is seen as the source of the problem. They are often aggressive, controlling, and critical, and they may use fear, shame, and guilt to maintain power over others. The Persecutor feels a sense of superiority and is convinced that they are right and that others are wrong. The Rescuer is the person who tries to help the Victim and make things better. They are often well-intentioned and may feel obligated to help others. However, they can also enable the victims to remain in their helpless state by taking care of their problems for them. This creates a codependent relationship, where the Rescuer feels needed, and the Victim feels dependent. The Drama Triangle is a vicious cycle where each person takes on different roles at different times. For example, the Victim may become the Persecutor if they feel threatened, or the Rescuer may become the Persecutor if they feel frustrated or resentful. The cycle can continue indefinitely, perpetuating negative patterns in relationships and leading to increased conflict and drama. The origins of the Drama Triangle can be traced back to the early work of psychiatrist Eric Berne, who developed the concept of transactional analysis. Berne believed that people engage in repetitive patterns of behavior, known as games, in their relationships, which can lead to negative outcomes. The Drama Triangle is one game where people play roles that keep them trapped in a cycle of conflict and negativity. Breaking free from the Drama Triangle requires a shift in perspective and behavior. It means recognizing when you are playing a role in the triangle and choosing to step out of it. It also means taking responsibility for your own life and problems and learning to communicate healthily and effectively. One of the key steps to breaking free from the Drama Triangle is to become aware of your own patterns of behavior. This means paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions and recognizing when you are playing a role in the triangle. It also means learning to identify and challenge your limiting beliefs and assumptions and taking steps to change your perspective. Another important step is to learn healthy communication skills, such as active listening, expressing your feelings in a non-judgmental way, and setting clear boundaries. This can help you avoid falling into the trap of the Drama Triangle and instead create positive, fulfilling relationships. Breaking free from the Drama Triangle can be a challenging process, but it is also a journey of self-discovery and growth. By learning to recognize and break free from negative patterns, you can transform your relationships and create a life filled with love, joy, and fulfillment. In conclusion, the Drama Triangle is a powerful model for understanding the dynamics of power and control in human relationships. By becoming aware of your own patterns of behavior and learning healthy communication skills, you can break free from the cycle of negativity and conflict and create positive, fulfilling relationships.

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Huwebes, Pebrero 9, 2023

The Fine Line of the Mother Archetype: Attraction or Repulsion

Get one-on-one professional coaching support: The role of the mother archetype in relationships and dating can be both attractive and detrimental. This powerful energy can either ignite or extinguish attraction, depending on how it's used. Understanding this archetype and how it affects our interactions with others is key to navigating the complexities of relationships and dating. The mother archetype has been present in cultures and civilizations throughout history, representing nurturing, protection, and caregiving. However, in the context of dating and relationships, the mother archetype can take on different forms and impact attraction in unique ways. Women who embody the mother archetype may exhibit nurturing behavior, show a desire to care for and protect their partner, and express a strong emotional connection. While these qualities can be attractive, they can also be perceived as smothering or controlling, ultimately killing attraction. On the other hand, a woman who has mastered the balance of the mother archetype in her relationships can radiate a powerful energy that draws people in and fosters deep connections. Women are often expected to take on the caregiving role in relationships, but this can become problematic when it overshadows their own needs and desires. Understanding how to strike a balance between expressing the mother archetype and maintaining one's own autonomy is crucial for both men and women in relationships. Whether you're single and looking to attract a partner, or in a relationship and seeking to deepen your connection, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in unlocking the full potential of the mother archetype.

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Biyernes, Pebrero 3, 2023

Unlock Authenticity: 3 Questions to Help You Stop People-Pleasing in Relationships

Grab this guide: The 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Relationships Want one-on-one professional support? Unlock Authenticity: 3 Questions to Help You Stop People-Pleasing in Relationships is a powerful video that will help you take a deeper look at the dynamics in your relationships and find ways to be more authentic. The video is only a minute long, but it packs a punch with 3 key questions that will help you understand why you may be people-pleasing and how you can stop that pattern. The first question is "What am I believing about this other person that is having me show up inauthentic?" This question helps you to identify the limiting beliefs you may have about the other person that is causing you to act inauthentically. Are you believing that they won't like you if you don't do what they want? Are you believing that you need their approval to be happy? These are the types of limiting beliefs that can cause you to people-please. The second question is "What am I believing about what they want that is thwarting my authentic expression?" This question helps you to understand the beliefs you may have about what the other person wants or needs from you, that may not be true. Are you believing that you need to agree with them all the time? Are you believing that you need to put their wants and needs before your own? These are the types of beliefs that can cause you to people-please and not express yourself authentically. The final question is "What am I believing about myself that is creating this dynamic?" This question helps you to identify the limiting beliefs you have about yourself that may be causing you to people-please. Are you believing that you are not good enough? Are you believing that you need to be perfect? These are the types of beliefs that can cause you to people-please and not be your true self. This video is designed to help you take a step back and identify the limiting beliefs that may be causing you to people-please in your relationships. Once you understand these beliefs, you can start to challenge them and find new ways to express yourself authentically. This can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections with others, as well as greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. So, if you are ready to unlock authenticity in your relationships, watch this video and answer these 3 questions to help you stop people-pleasing and be your true self.

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Huwebes, Pebrero 2, 2023

Diffuse conflict with your woman like a Pro: How Men Can Stay Centered

Grab this free guide: 5 Secrets To Creating Extraordinary Relationships Are you looking for immediate one-on-one support around Love & Leadership? Let's talk:

from Clayton Olson Coaching

Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2023

Move On After Heartbreak: Embrace "Life is Happening for Me" Attitude

Are you going through a devastating breakup and looking for professional support? Let's talk: 5 Principles of Creating Extraordinary Relationships-

from Clayton Olson Coaching